Do You Have What it Takes?
Often people throw around the term intentional dating.
We all have heard terms such as "dating with a purpose" or "dating for fun". These terms are often used to describe a person's dating objective. If a person is dating for fun, they are pretty much going with the flow. If they find love they do, if they don't, they don't. In contrast, dating with intention is more relationship driven. The latter requires a certain level of determination and dedication. Often people begin with the dating intentional mindset but fail to follow through.
In this article, we will cover some necessary practices and traits of those truly dedicated to the process. Finding true love can be challenging. When dating intentionally deals with self. Self- Confidence, Self-Awareness, Self-Respect, and Self-Love.
1. Know What You Want
A firm understanding of what you need and desire in a partner is key. But knowing what you want is also as important as knowing what you do not want. True life experiences help us determine our needs. Knowing what you want is essential.
2. Communicate
Your voice is powerful. When you openly communicate, it creates an environment that encourages transparency, honesty, and growth. Be unapologetic.
3. Be Emotionally Available
You need to be present at all times. Not committing to the process robs you and your suitor of a full experience. Don't be selfish. It can be challenging to find someone that matches your energy. Do not waste their time or yours.
4. Take Things Slow
Be patient. Time will reveal things that conversation cannot. Don't rush things. This doesn't mean going with the flow. Take your time. Also, refrain from resisting rushing into intimate encounters. When sex is added to the equation, bonds are formed and judgment can be weakened.
5. Be Okay with Solitude
Having standards and expectations are good traits to have. It helps you eliminate and reduce wasted time. You have to be good at being alone at times.
6. Be Willing to Cut Ties
Be honest with yourself when you realize you two are not a good fit. Be accountable and end things. There is no need to linger or drag things out. When the time is up, end it. Be upfront.
7. Self-Care
Practice good mental hygiene. Regularly check in with yourself. Make sure that you are not alienating your friends, hobbies, and goals for the sake of "finding the one". Make sure that you actively maintain a healthy life balance.
8. Re-Evaluate
Take inventory. Access how things are going. Be honest with yourself. Do not mistake attention, affection, and companionship with compatibility. Does their interaction bring purpose to your life? Are you two in alignment with the goals and expectations? If not, what are the roadblocks? Will overcoming them cause you to compromise your core needs?
Patience is the key. So take your time. You should allow things to evolve naturally, but also at a good pace. Do not allow insecurity to change your pace. Intentional dating is not for the faint at heart. Neither is finding true love. Once you realize your worth, focus on the goal and dismiss cheap experiences in love, you will be on your way. When it comes to finding true love, dating intentionally is essential.